Ime mladinske izmenjave: SUSTAINability!
Organizator: Grupo 100Portas
Partnerji: Zveza društev Mladinski center Postojna (Slovenija), Associazione Eufemia (Italija), Pistes Solidaires Méditerranée (Francija), Votsis Youth in Action Club (Grčija) in Asociacion Arrabal AID (Španija)
Starost: 16–20 let
Zahteve: osnovno znanje angleščine, interes za sodelovanje z ljudmi iz drugih kulturnih okolij
Kje: Viseu, Portugalska
Kdaj: 3.–11. 7. 2017
Skupino bo vodil Miha Inocente.
Projekt je financiran iz programa Erasmus+. Potne stroške do 275 evrov, namestitev in prehrano krijejo organizatorji.
Zainteresirani/e pišite do ponedeljka, 21. 5. 2017, na el. naslov:
Kratek opis:
In the current world context of a growing population, modifications in social habits, the increasing consumerism and climate changes, it is evident that our generation needs to address these questions and act on them.
The focus of sustainable development goes beyond than just of the environment. It's also about ensuring a strong, healthy and fair society. This means meeting the diverse needs of all people in existing and future communities, promoting personal wellbeing, social cohesion and inclusion, and creating equal opportunity.
During this mobility, the 31 youngsters participating will have the chance to reflect on their lifestyles, have contact with nature, practice sports, learn new skills and cooperate with local youth associations.
Sustainable innovation is about making better decisions on issues that affect all of us. We need to take a broader look for what it is happening at a global level and start acting local.
- discussion of the concept of sustainability:
- promotion of non-formal educational methods (e.g. theatre);
- promotion of tolerance and raising multicultural awareness;
- promotion of Erasmus+ programme;
- promotion of responsible and critical consumption;
- promotion of outdoor activities and teamwork.
The project is taking place in Viseu during a cultural and artistic event and it will end with a final activity with the local community organized by the participants.
The group will be involved in Jardins Efémeros ( annual event that is very important in the cultural scene of the city. This year’s topic is “Paradox.” We will be participating in some of their workshops, concerts and exhibitions. |