Sedmi JAM SESSION v MCP. Vabljeni vsi, ki uživate v ustvarjanju svoje glasbe, da se nam zopet pridružite, skupaj bomo zađemali različne zvrsti in jih zmešali v mojstrovino. Potrebujete le svoje instrumente in dobro voljo!
Tokrat bomo imeli čast gostiti Jazz ansambel Glasbene šole Postojna, ki bo odprl večer z izvedbo parih komadov.
Vstopnine NI!
7th JAM SESSION at MCP. Welcome all, who enjoy creating their music to join us again, together we will jam different genres and mix them into a masterpiece. You only need to bring your instruments and good mood !
This time we will have the pleasure to host Postojna music school jazz band that will open the evening by performing a couple of tracks.
FREE entrance! |